Loving Your Pet Through Death…

My cat has lost weight recently and has not been eating.

We took her to the vet.

Diagnosis: kidney (or renal) failure.

Prognosis: not good.

There are things we can do to make her comfortable: give her fluids, change her diet, maintain low-stress environment.

But, ultimately, she’s dying. She could have months. Or a year.

Yet, somehow, I’m grateful.

Grateful that I know so we can not take her for granted. Grateful I can love her more. Grateful for the years she has given us.

This doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s never easy to watch a pet die. I’ve held two of my dogs in my arms when they were dying. And I knew a little ahead of time it was coming.

The worst part is the helplessness of it all. Not being able to help. To make her better. To do anything. Except hold her and love her and cherish her.

While she’s here, we’ll make the most of it.

Love her till death and beyond.

We love you, dearest Emerald.

Our precious, precious kitty

25 thoughts on “Loving Your Pet Through Death…

  1. hello jendionne10 its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry to heer that yore kitty is feeling poorly!!! my sister trouble the kitty had sum kidnee problems wen she got older and my mama and dada gayv her subkyootayneus flooids for sevral yeerz to help keep her helthy and komfortabul until it wuz time for her to kross the rainbo bridj at the aydj of twenny!!! heer is hoping yoo kan hav menny mor yeerz with emerald despite her kidnee problim!!! ok bye


  2. So sorry to hear about Emerald. I love your perspective and doing things like making sure she gets plenty of fluids, changing her diet, etc., can go a long way to keeping her comfortable as well as giving you all as much time together as possible. One of my cats (RIP Joshua) lived another 3 years past his diagnosis, although that is unusual. We knew it was time when he decided to live in our kitchen sink. Literally. He was considerate enough to jump out when he needed to use the litter box, but he needed that less and less. He licked water from the tap and allowed us to spoon-feed him wet food. He seemed content but, after a few days, we knew he had turned a corner and there was no turning back. He lived with us for 16 years (adopted as an adult stray from animal shelter) so he was at least 17, maybe 18 when he died. We’ve had to say goodbye to several cats, and it doesn’t get easier. Just keep in mind all the love you’ve given to Emerald, and the difference she’s made in your life.

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  3. So moving especially for anyone like us who have walked that road with a pet… yes, the gratitude we feel – but losing any of animals and I have had them all my life – has been losing a part of myself.

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  4. So sorry for this diagnosis😞 We went through this with our cat, Opie, who was 14 when he started his renal failure and thyroid cancer decline. He made it 6 more months and we cherished out time with him. Good luck to your family💕

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