Candidates Forum…

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Last night was the Candidates Forum for the Town Board of Windsor hosted by the Chamber of Commerce at the Windsor Community Recreation Center.  After the candidates introduced themselves and explained why they are running, the candidates were asked multiple questions on major issues facing Windsor such as water, growth, acclimating the new Town Manager to Windsor, and the culture of this town.  The candidates had a chance for final words and a meet and greet with the public.

My take away:  Windsor will be in good hands no matter who is elected.  I was truly inspired and overwhelmed with the candidates.  Everyone has a huge heart for this Town, is very knowledgeable about the Town’s issues, and all want to do what’s best for the Town moving forward.  Windsor is incredibly blessed.

I’m excited for the election in just under two weeks as the residents make the difficult decision of who they want to represent them.  An offer was made for the new Town Manager as well, a position that has been vacant since late last year.  A lot of excitement ahead for this amazing community and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

9 thoughts on “Candidates Forum…

  1. Hello. I am so excited for you and wishing you good luck and look forward to reading about your small town and the people who live there. We now live in a small town (I will never live in a large city ever again). I love the people and here everyone knows you, ( told my daughter, she better behave at school,or I will know about it. I am now following your blog.

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