The Hoot of an Owl…

Muffled stepsImage result for great horned owl

A triangle three

Calling, calling

Who can it be?

Soft and gentle

Strong and smooth

The call arresting

Why would I move?

Stop and listen

The stillness echoes

You may learn something

And feel a bit more mellow!

I was walking my dog early this morning.  It snowed last night so our steps were muffled.  Three Great Horned Owls were calling (I think–I only could find 2 in the trees).  I love owls.  I love to listen to them.  They are so majestic.  So serene.  So cool!  A marvel in their Creation!

Listening to these fabulous birds call in the night, I felt overwhelmingly blessed.  To be able to walk my dog.  To be able to see nature in my backyard.  To overhear a private conversation.  It was probably either two mates calling to each other or a territorial ploy or a mix.  Either way I still wondered what they were saying in such synchronistic harmony.

Animals in all their glory humble me.  For always being who they were created to be.  No noise in their thoughts to distract them.  Living life simply and wonderfully.  Without complaint.  Despite the cold and the starkness all around.  Indifferent to what is happening around them and with other creatures or things.

Just living…

A goal I want to pursue.

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